Our challenge this week was “dreams.” My daughter has been really into Panda Bear Panda Bear lately – she also caught a nasty cold just before Thanksgiving. So in between cuddles and blowing her nose, we’re reading this book. A lot. She can actually read it to me now, by memory of course but not bad for a 3 year old.
I was thinking lately, that I don’t take the time to photograph the everyday moments in our lives anymore. Not with the “big camera” at least. I’m lucky if I even think to grab the Rebel. Most of the time I just whip out my phone and hope the camera app loads in time. So I’m happy I paused for a second a took this picture; my little girl, just getting over a cold, cuddled in her favorite blanket, and reading her favorite book. That just so happens to be about a dreaming child and all of the animals, wild and free.
Next, please hop over to Valerie and check out her “dreams” image.