You don’t have to know me well to know that my absolute favorite winter past time is taking macro photos of snowflakes.
We had our first snow in Leesburg Virginia on Saturday, and I spent the better portion of my morning set up for the occasion. I got a lot of “But how?!” questions on my Facebook page, so I thought I’d share a little insider info with you. What is the magic trick to taking these photos? You might be surprised to learn that it isn’t the equipment I use (although a dedicated macro lens certainly makes things easier!) For me, it is mostly patience. Because I like to shoot wild snowflakes, I can spend hours looking for snowflakes in the bushes outside my windows. An alternative would be to set up a soft blanket outside and they won’t break when they land. But I like to do things the hard way 😉
I also captured a few shots of the birds outside my kitchen window. I have become somewhat of a bird lady, and I spend a lot of time setting up feeders around my yard at precise angles that allow me to photograph the birds without being seen. These are from my kitchen window, where I can sit on the counter and not move much.